MgO Non-Combustible
Single Layer Structural
Floor Panels
MAXTERRA® Non-Combustible Single Layer Structural Floor Panels are at the forefront of sustainable construction technology, offering a high-strength and environmentally conscious alternative to traditional materials.
MAXTERRA® Non-Combustible Single Layer Structural Floor Panels can be used as a single-layer replacement for plywood and OSB subflooring panels as well as gypcrete underlayment. NEXGEN panels can be easily attached directly to wood or steel joists using corrosion-resistant screws or conventional framing nails.

Strong, durable flooring solution.
Single layer subfloor.
OSB, Plywood, Plywood/OSB Combination Plywood/Gypcrete Combination and other structural panelized flooring products.
Key Advantages
- Installation Ready: Simplifies building process.
- Single-Layer Efficiency: Material efficiency.
- Edge Treatments: Various options based on design.
- Superior Strength: Long-term durability.
Span Rating of 24" OC: Robust structural capacity (133 psf allowable load at L/480 deflection limit). - Installed with a single trade.
Physical Specifications
- Thicknesses: 3/4" (20mm).
- Dimensions: 4' x 8', 4' x 10'.
- Weight - 4.92 lbs/sq ft
- Edge Treatments: Tongue and Groove, Square Edge.
Code Compliance
- ICC ESR-5194
- Chicago Building Code Supplement.
- Los Angeles County Building Code Supplement, Commercial and Residential.
- California Building Code Supplement, Commercial and Residential.
- Florida Building Code Supplement, Commercial and Residential.
- Certified for use on Wood and Light Gauge Steel.
- 2021, 2018, and 2015 International Building Code®
- 2021, 2018, and 2015 International Residential Code.
- Noncombustible: ASTM E-136 rating, as referenced by the 2024 IBC and 2024 IRC.
- ASTM E84 Flame Spread Index of 0, Smoke Developed Index of 0.
- AC 386, AC 318, AC 367, AC 376 and AC 378.
- One-Hour Floor/Ceiling Fire Rating.
- Two-Hour Floor/Ceiling Fire Rating.
Subfloor Comparisons