Request Your Free MAXTERRA™ Sample Kit
Fill out the form below to receive your MAXTERRA Sample Kit which includes:
- Two 8.5" x 11" x 1/2" MAXTERRA MgO Board Samples - Try to destroy one sample testing all the disaster resistant attributes (water, mold, impact, earthquake, insects and fire - be careful with this test) Keep one to show your construction team and customers.
- One 8.5" x 11" x 3/4" MAXTERRA MgO Board Samples
- Three MAXTERRA application sheets - Exterior and Interior Sheathing, Subflooring, Floor Underlayment
- Four-page NEXGEN MAXTERRA Overview Brochure
- Sample Kit Welcome Page and Contact Information

What our customers say
“I used NEXGEN MAXTERRA MgO siding for several of my projects. It installed easily and is superior to conventional materials. I will definitely be using it in all my future projects.”
“ I am so glad I chose to install MgO on my homes. The team at South Florida SIPs were great. This is the building material of the future. My buyers loved the quality and all of the benefits the product has to offer.”
“Our project was originally designed using repurposed shipping containers, however when we considered the disadvantages, we switched to MgO with an exterior cladding. I am so happy with the result. We were able to get the same look but with other considerations that were far superior”.